All The Chart Types

Kristi Yang
2 min readOct 7, 2020

For my chart this week, I looked at family planning and related medical services, using the CDC 2015–2017 data on Family planning and related medical services received in the last 12 months among women 15–49 years of age. For my dataviz, I chose a hierarchical chart to represent the services, as it would make it easy for the viewer to interpret which the most and least popular values are. I thought that this data would be interesting to compare with last week’s, as it is more specific and pertains to the medical aspect of family planning. In other words, it is much more specific that last week’s general data on family planning preparedness. In addition, this week’s data also zoomed in on one region, the United States, as last week I looked at the world. In addition to this week’s dataviz, I also charted 10 different versions of the same data using different visualizations (as seen below).

